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World-Class Interim CFO Services in Boston, Tailored to Your Needs and Budget

Our seasoned interim CFOs, with an average of 21 years of C-Suite experience, will help take your business to the next level.

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Our Boston interim CFOs are of a different breed

We are entrepreneurs at heart. We think and act like business owners. We have helped build, finance and sell many companies over our careers. We can do the same for you.

Our business experience spans virtually every sector of the economy and companies of all sizes – from start-ups to Fortune 500 corporations.

We are effective and efficient, make an immediate impact, offer a fresh perspective, and will steer your accounting and finance organization while you seek your new, full-time CFO.

Schedule your free consultation and more below:

    Is it time to Onboard an Interim CFO?

    If you can relate to a few of the statements below, you would greatly benefit from having one of our interim CFOs by your side.

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    IT’S LONELY AT THE TOP: You lack an experienced business partner and “consiglieri” at your elbow who is objective, strategic and fact-based, yet passionate about growing the value of your company. There is a substantial gap in business experience and acumen between you and other members of your team

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    THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY: You have no time to deal with important financial or operating tasks, which keep on being postponed or falling through the cracks…or worse still, such financial and operating tasks continuously crowd out your pivotal duties related to customer acquisition and products

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    NO STRATEGY, INSIGHTS & ANALYSIS FROM FINANCE: Your finance function is limited to producing the monthly P&L and Balance Sheet. It provides no: strategic input, detailed profitability analysis of your products/services, a rolling cash flow forecast, benchmarking, Key Performance Indicators, etc. You feel like you are flying the proverbial airplane with no instrument panel

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    CASH FLOW AND PROFITABILITY “SURPRISES”: Your business is experiencing profitability or cash flow problems, is missing bank covenants or is underperforming the budget – and you are often surprised by it

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    $20 MM COMPANY STUCK IN THE BODY OF A $4 MM BUSINESS: Your business is growing fast and requires more robust finance and operating functions to deal with the challenges and opportunities that come with such rapid growth. Increasingly, you feel like your company’s accelerated expansion is being restricted or held back by its own lack of infrastructure

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    SHORT-SIGHTED: You don’t have a long-term view of your business, including: (i) a 3 to 5-year strategic plan and financial forecast and (ii) a sense of the business value, currently and in the future

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    DEAL MAKING: You are looking to raise capital to fund growth or acquisition opportunities and reach your ambitious goals. Or you plan to sell in the short to medium-term and have not prepared your company for it

    What our Interim CFOs Can Do For You

    Our Scope of Work may include any of the services listed below, as well as others requested by you.

    Reporting and Compliance Matters

    1. Oversight of finance, accounting, audit, tax and insurance matters

    2. Review of monthly financial statements

    3. Creation of annual budgets, with updates on a monthly or quarterly-basis, based on Year-to-Date results and management’s current view of the business, including sales pipeline/project backlog and hiring plans

    4. Preparation of monthly financial packages to include: budget-to-actual comparison, variance analysis, KPI report

    5. Preparation of rolling 13-week cash flow forecasts and recommendations on how to optimize cash flow

    6. Design and implementation of financial processes and internal controls to support growth and prevent fraud and waste

    7. Oversight of financial/operating/ERP systems selection and implementation

    8. Investor / Bank relations

    Performance Matters

    1. Advice regarding opportunities to increase revenues – either organically or through acquisitions/partnerships

    2. Development of product/service, market and/or marketing channel profitability analysis and recommendations on how to improve margins

    3. Review of cost structure and advice concerning cost-saving measures

    4. Integration of financial analysis and discipline into pricing decisions

    5. Creation and management of incentive/bonus plans

    Strategic Matters

    1. Preparation of long-term financial forecasts and business plans (3-5 years)

    2. Strategic Review and SWOT analysis

    3. Guidance regarding capital structure matters

    4. Capital raising

    5. M&A advisory

    The Venture Growth Partners Advantage

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    Seasoned Interim CFOs, with an average of 21 years in the C-Suite leading companies of various sizes and dynamics. Our experience includes: (i) starting-up and co-founding successful businesses; (ii) helping companies scale up rapidly; (iii) leading the transformation of mature, larger businesses; and (iv) successfully turning around troubled ventures. We have also been part of some corporate failures, from which we learned important lessons.

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    Team Approach – Because we work collaboratively, when you retain one of our outsourced executives, you gain access to the whole team’s knowledge, experience, and relationships. This provides your business with a real competitive advantage.

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    Over $50 billion worth of Corporate Finance transactions negotiated, including: company sales, mergers, acquisitions, joint-ventures, and debt and equity capital raises. Counterparties in those transactions ran the gamut, (i) from angels and small investors to major venture capital and private equity firms; (ii) from family-owned businesses to Fortune 50 corporations; (iii) from traditional commercial banks to alternative debt capital providers.

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    Vast industry experience, covering virtually every corner of the economy, including: SaaS and Software-enabled Businesses, Technology, Life Sciences, Medical Devices, Healthcare Services, Fintech & Crypto, Marketing & PR, Consumer Products, Retail, Franchises, Distribution, Manufacturing, Professional Services (including the trades), Energy and Clean Energy, Logistics, Defense and Government Contractors, and Non-profit.

    What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

    Look no further than Venture Growth Partners. Having an opportunity to meet and discuss the needs of our business with Mario was the first step among many where Venture Growth Partners proved their worth. They helped guide and support us in ways we could develop goals, metrics, and strategies that would elevate our skills by placing one of their tenured consultants with us. We were not exactly sure what we needed but Mario was able to decipher from just two meetings what we thought we needed. We discussed some of our pain points, and the direction we were headed (and fast) and where we felt there were gaps in our infrastructure. Mario introduced us to a short list of extremely qualified candidates quickly. Working in a very specific industry it was paramount we find someone already up to speed on industry knowledge. Without trouble he was able to suggest precisely the person to fill this role, already armed with the right skills to become an essential part of our business. Now, we can’t imagine what or where we would be without Venture Growth Partners.

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    Pavel Perlov
    CEO at Electronic Fluorocarbons LLC

    I had the pleasure of working with Mike Wilson at Ascend Learning. He is one of the brightest, most strategic, and hard-driving finance leaders I have worked with. Mike’s unique combination of finance and operating experience makes him an ideal strategic partner. I have collaborated with Mike on both organic growth initiatives, as well as M&A, and came to rely on him as one of my most trusted colleagues.

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    Kimberly Brophy circleKimberly Brophy
    General Manager, Executive Vice President, Academy and Product at American Safety Council

    I enjoyed working alongside Mark Anderson for ten years; Mark has all the hallmarks of a successful CFO. Mark has the knowledge to strategize and solve problems and sense of an analytic mind, is highly confident with processes and numbers. Mark demonstrated strong leadership with exemplary communication and organizational skills during our years together. Mark’s position required someone who performed effective risk management, planned the organization’s financial strategies, cash-flow projections, handled all of our Real-Estate holdings, multi-location revenue and expenses budgeting, tax planning, and generally, he was well-versed in all phases of financial management varying from simple accounting calculations to broad investment and banking transactions, responsibilities he handled with ease.There is no more significant decision than to find the right CFO; they are the CEO’s primary go-to person, a trusted confidant; I would highly recommend Mark as part of any company’s team.

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    Gregory smith circleGregory A. Smith
    CEO at G Group Holdings

    Boston Location:

    30 Newbury Street, 3rd Floor | Boston, MA 02116 | 301-512-6613
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    30 Newbury Street, 3rd Floor
    Boston, MA 02116

    Located in Boston’s famous Newbury Street, near high-end shops and restaurants, and close to the city’s Financial District.